Why Eating Organic Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive

Why Eating Organic Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive

O.k., so I’m not one to post pictures of my dinner.  In fact, this is the first picture I’ve ever posted of what I’ve eaten, anywhere online.  But today I’m posting with a purpose.  As I looked at the lovely creation I had on my plate before I ate it, I remembered all of the people I’ve heard over the years say that they don’t eat organic because it’s too expensive.

Here’s the breakdown of my delicious, healthy, organic meal, with the perfect amount of protein for a vegetarian!

All of the items were bought at Publix (which can be a little pricey, you just have to search around and know where the good priced items are).

Organic Kale:  $1.99 for the bunch (I used 1/2 the bunch in my meal)

Organic Black Beans:  $1. 30 something for one can (I used 1/2 the can in my meal)

Organic Brown Rice; $1.59 a bag (Yeah, this is a great deal)!  (I used 1/4 of the bag)

It was also super easy to make, as I don’t particularly enjoy really involved or time consuming cooking or baking.  I started to prepare the rice, and a few minutes later, began to saute the kale in some organic olive oil I already had.  I then added in the black beans, waited for the rice to finish, added some sea salt, and presto, my amazing, healthy, organic meal was ready!

All for less than $2.00 for a full meal (minus the oil and salt), and I have at least one more identical meal I can make out of the leftovers of kale and beans.  (By the way, there was almost an entire plateful, I actually started eating it before I realized I should take a picture and make this post. 🙂



Here is another unedited, free-write from my morning writings…


The feeling of joy.

The knowing of harmonious resolution to your woes.

Hope lights the darkest night.

Hope feeds the smallest flame.


Hope is what remains when we are stripped of everything else.

Hope is what lets us know that we’re going to make it.

Hope is required for advancement toward the direction of our dreams.


Be hope.

Embody it.

Become it.

Together we will achieve peace and harmony.


Hope endures.

My Natural Remedies Toolkit

My Natural Remedies Toolkit

Today, in the interest of sharing more of who I am and what makes me tick, and also to share what I know with those who want the information, I blog about natural remedies.

I have been a holistic, organic girl for quite a long time.  For many years, you followed it but didn’t speak about it, for fear that you would be criticized yet again for following your own guidance and intuition rather than just consuming what was presented to you.  So I followed in silence, except for the few who may have asked me more about myself, and who I could tell would be open to such conversation.

Nowadays, things are a little bit different.  I feel that more and more people who may have been unwilling to hear about something less than mainstream, now crave anything that will actually lead them to good health and wellness.

So here is my natural remedies toolkit, used for years as my main go-to’s.

Bug repellent:  Lavender essential oil put on my hand and applied directly to the body in every place where those little buggers love to bite me.  (*Caution*- though lavender is not one of the “hot oils” and doesn’t absolutely require a carrier oil for dilution, not everyone’s skin is as agreeable to straight up lavender all over it like mine is).

Anti-itch for bug bites and stings:  Lavender essential oil (See above for my use and disclaimers)

Antiseptic for cuts and small wounds:  Tea tree oil on a cotton ball or q-tip, applied directly to the wound.  (Again, see above for cautions on essential oil use).

In summer I keep lavender and tea tree oil in my hiking/beach bag.

Nasal congestion and allergies, polluted air sinus issues, etc:  Colloidal Silver (I haven’t turned blue from using it yet, but I don’t go crazy with it either).  I use as needed, as many drops or sprays as feels appropriate.  (*Again, it is best to use even natural products with caution when you begin, and start very slow and with very little, and diluted is best.  Even still, not everyone will react wonderfully to everything).

Bacterial infections/Sinus Infections, etc:  Drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract in water or juice.  (Not pleasant tasting, you will have to chug it quickly, but worth it if it helps you). (Again, see previous disclaimers)

Dry nasal passages and headaches when flying or any other time you are in dry/stale air:  Saline nasal spray.  Spray a few drops in each nostril (have tissues handy to catch what drains back out), before you fly, and keep a small bottle and some tissues with you on the flight for times when the pressure drops suddenly and your forehead has the beginnings of a splitting headache.

Again, though these are all natural remedies, please do your due diligence and remember that all essential oils are not the same.  Do your research before you use a new one, and know that the “hot” type oils absolutely have to be diluted in a carrier oil!

Best wishes, and good holistic health to you!!






Why the World Needs LOVE

Why the World Needs LOVE

Here is another inspired writing from today.  No edits, just raw musings from my morning writing.  Sometimes it’s best to leave them that way, especially in blog form…


Love exists in many different ways at many different hours.

Love it timeless.

Love is a power greater than any of us can imagine.

Love can right wrongs.

Love can breathe life into things that have lost their breath but still have a spark left.

How do you tap into love?

Simply embrace the feeling, and it will flow.  It will touch not only you, but everyone you come in contact with.

It can magnify bigger and bigger until it overtakes all lower energy feelings.

Love is what the world needs right now.