A Quick Look at “Will”

A Quick Look at “Will”

Free Write- Topic: The Will


You can bend it, break it, and strengthen it.

It can move you forward, or keep you stuck in place.

Many use it forcefully, and try to overpower that of others.

Strengthen your will by learning that we are all part of the same universe.

Some may think they can take or use more power than they should, but this is not real power.

Surrender your will to the understanding that you are a part of the whole universe, and your individual power will strengthen in a sustainable manner.

You are powerful.

Insert yourself into the greater flow and use your will to enhance the life experience of all you are connected to, and you will thrive as well.

How to Follow Your Intuition

How to Follow Your Intuition

Following your intuition is like fine tuning a radio dial.  Sometimes it comes in crystal clear and you are sure that it is the station you are searching for.  But sometimes, if anything is the least bit different in the atmosphere, it can be fuzzy.  If the interference is great enough, you may not even be sure you are getting the station you usually tune in to.

Fine tuning your intuition and connection to your spiritual team takes practice.  Even after you are very competent at it, interference can still make your channel fuzzy, or sometimes not tuned in at all.  Getting to know yourself and your subtle shifts in energy will help you understand whether or not your intuition is on point.

If you are a beginner, one way to begin tuning into yourself is to adopt any type of quiet or stillness practice to help reduce the noise we take in everyday in mainstream culture.  It doesn’t have to be complicated, try just sitting in silence for 10-15 minutes a day.  It will do wonders to de-clutter your mind.

Another way to get to know yourself is to work with your thoughts and feelings throughout the day.  Begin to notice the subtle shifts in your energy, what caused them, how you want to work with them, and what they mean for you.  Why did a certain situation or person get brought into your life?  Why are you feeling angry or upset?  Ask yourself as many questions as possible until you find the deeper answers you may not be aware of.  Then take steps to address the answers you receive, in order to bring yourself back into alignment with what is healthiest for you.

Another helpful tip is to watch what you take in for entertainment.  Be sure it is lifting your spirit or enhancing your life in some way.  If it is draining you or making you shut down in any way, perhaps it’s not a great choice for entertainment for you.  Entertainment is meant to elevate your mood, not deplete it.

Lastly, always test a message by asking if it is coming from your higher self or benevolent helpers, and ask up to three times.  Most false prophets will back off after the first question.  Does it feel true in your gut?  Is it based on love? Even if it is a tough message to hear, does it serve a benevolent purpose, or is it coming from ego?

When learning to work with your intuition, you must practice.  So start small.  Begin with little questions and decisions.  As you develop trust and a good relationship with both your intuition and benevolent team, you can  move up to more serious questions.  Start now and start small, and you will be building a firm foundation to make your best and highest choices for many years ahead.


When Life Gets Tough, Hang on.

When Life Gets Tough, Hang on.

Today’s post is another inspired writing, where I just write what comes, without much editing or proofreading.  I hope it helps someone who may benefit from its message.


When the road is long and you are feeling weary

Hang on.

Change is around the corner.


When you feel like you’re gasping for air or that no one around you cares

Hang on.

Change is on the horizon.


Believe it.

Feel it.

Be it.


Love is always here.

Even in your darkest days.


Believe in the power of love to heal hearts.

Believe there are better days coming.


You are part of the universe.

You are everything in the world.


Love yourself

And you love everything.


Love all.

Joy is inevitable.


Even if you can’t see it right now.

Believe it is hidden

And it will be revealed.

You are so loved.

What Does it Really Mean to “Show Up and Do the Work,” When You’re Trying to Achieve Your Dreams?

What Does it Really Mean to “Show Up and Do the Work,” When You’re Trying to Achieve Your Dreams?

Today I’m going to write a continuation of my last blog, and start with the question that may have been left slightly unanswered: “What does it really mean to show up and do your work?”

For those of you struggling to make career, relationship, and health goals a reality, you may feel like you’ve already done so much work. You’ve taken the classes, made the plans and goals, written the press releases, gone on the dates, been a good friend, been to college, and basically “done your time.”  So why can’t you manifest that which you desire?

Well, to start with, as I mentioned in the last blog, a big part of the formula is to trust and let go, but there is another component.  This one involves your perception of the word work, and is very closely related to a major theme of my book, Holding Space- A Guide to Supporting Others While Remembering to Take Care of Yourself First.  In the book, one of the concepts I cover is the difference between masculine and feminine energies, and how each of us have and use both, no matter what our physical gender is.

In brief, masculine energy is that of: plans, structure, doing, and the concrete.  It it the energy of bringing things into form.  Again, in brief, feminine energies consist of things such as: being, tapping into the creative field, and relationships.  Here’s the trick- the feminine must be entered into before the masculine can be utilized.  This may come as a shock, because Western culture has taught the exact opposite.  What this means is that you have to do the abstract work of be-ingbefore you can begin the concrete do-ing work that is also required to bring things into existence.  And then again, after you do your work in both areas, you have to let go and trust that the Universe/God/Spirit/whatever your believe in that is bigger than you, is working to fit the pieces together and bring you what you ordered, if it is indeed for your highest good.

So remember when you are showing up and doing your work, that the work does not only entail the concrete things you learned in school as a child, or at a job as an adult.  In order to be truly whole and  truly manifest that which you desire, you have to do the deeper emotional, spiritual, and healing work required to remove any unconscious blocks to your success.  You also need to be still enough to really get to know yourself and what you truly want to manifest, what’s honoring to you, and what isn’t.  Once you’ve done both types of work,  you must again trust that what you ordered will be brought to you in its right timing.  No need to be jealous of others or upset at yourself that you’re doing something wrong.  Tune in to that which is greater than you, follow your guidance and intuition, show up and do the work, and then trust.

Godspeed everyone!

How to REALLY Achieve Your Dreams, Including Those You Didn’t Even Know You Had!

How to REALLY Achieve Your Dreams, Including Those You Didn’t Even Know You Had!

“I’m so proud of you- you’re going out there and making things happen!”  I heard today in response to some recent wins.  I was puzzled for a moment.  It seems that our culture believes that the successes people achieve occurred because that person went out into the world and pressed all the right buttons to bring their goals to fruition.  But I have a secret.  The truth is, these people are CREATING their lives; not with all of the details figured out, but with a grander picture of what they wanted them to be, doing the work, and then TRUSTING the outcome.

In my particular case, I didn’t necessarily decide what I would be doing or who I would be doing it with, but rather put forth the intention of the feelings I desired from those things.  I then trusted the universe to bring me the details in whatever form best fit into my dreams and desires.  What I really did was tune in to my intuition and higher spiritual helpers (Whom I call God and my “team”) and asked for their help in creating my best life.  I then followed their guidance, put in the work, and aligned myself with what they were calling for.  I diligently showed up, did what was asked of me to the best of my abilities at the time, and then allowed for things to happen.

In case you are wondering,  I did not have to give up my free will to that which is larger than me, but rather used my free will to choose these higher beings to guide me, because I realized that my life is exponentially better when I follow good leaders who have my best interests in mind.  Of course the journey hasn’t always been easy, and many old things still come to the surface to try to sabotage my efforts, but I continue to listen and trust, even though I may not know exactly what the details of my goals will look like, or how long they will take to come to fruition.

Here’s the real secret to the goals people see me reaching, and the successes they see me enjoying—Once I listened to my “team,” showed up and did the work, and put out my intention (not necessarily always in that order),  it was not me that then  pressed the final button to MAKE things happen.  That would have  been like be going to a restaurant, putting in my order, and then going to the kitchen to make sure the chef is making it to my liking, and standing over him or her the entire time.  In order to have an enjoyable, relaxing experience at my favorite restaurant, I must have an intention, show up and do what is required, order what I want, and then TRUST.   In this example, I must make the money, bring the money, and then go to my favorite restaurant.  I then have to sit down and order what I think will be a nourishing, healthy, and delicious meal, and then trust it to be delivered.  I must trust that the server will deliver my order to the chef, and then must trust the chef to make it to my liking and dietary restrictions.  Then once again I have to trust the server to bring me my meal.  I don’t know exactly how long it will take, but I do know that if I relax and enjoy the process, I can most times trust that what I ordered, and did my part to manifest, will in fact be delivered.

Trust in your higher spiritual team and the universe.  Show up, do the work, and then let it go.

All will be delivered in its right timing, if it’s for your highest good.

New Book About to Drop- Any Minute Now!

New Book About to Drop- Any Minute Now!


Sneak peek of my new book cover.

Waiting on the final edit reviews/corrections of the final proof and then off we go!

Until then, here’s a little teaser…

“No matter what our story, above all else we all desire to love and be loved.  I believe that if we heal the wounds within ourselves first, and then within our partnerships, families, and communities, this is how we will eventually bring about the global peace and harmony that we wish to see.  This is true transformation from the inside out, not merely change from the outside in.  When we can do this within ourselves, our intimate relationships will be healthier.  When our intimate relationships are healthier, our families will be healthier.  When our families are healthier, our communities will be healthier, and so on.  It is of the utmost importance to first heal ourselves, then our relationships, our families, our communities, our world, and our universe.  If we attempt to change the world without this foundational healing, and attempt to re-build on a wounded separateness consciousness, we are again building our houses on sand.”   Amanda Dobra Hope-  from: Holding Space- A Guide to Supporting Others While Remembering to Take Care of Yourself First

Stay tuned to this blog, check out my website at: http://www.itsasyoulikeit.com, follow me on Twitter at: @amandadobrahope, or Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/itsasyoulikeit for more information as soon as it’s ready!

How to Acknowledge What Is, While Also Focusing on How You Would Like it to Be.

How to Acknowledge What Is, While Also Focusing on How You Would Like it to Be.


It is necessary to acknowledge and deal with on some level, everything that crosses our path in order to move forward toward more of what we wish to experience.  Although we must have acceptance of every situation or thing that exists in our current reality, we get to decide how much of our focus it gets, and how it will shape our lives.  By determining where we want to live in our minds and hearts, just as we decide where we’d like to live in the physical world, we can then respond to the issue from a more neutral state, rather than letting it toss us around by allowing it to gain power over us.  We can create more of what we would like to experience, rather than what we would not.

We choose the reality we create.  If things are showing up that we do not wish to experience, we must accept that for some reason that is where we are right now, either personally or globally.  Once we have accepted this, then we can choose to look for the gifts and teachings we have gained from having been there.  All the while, we can keep our focus on our dreams and desires until our outer reality changes to catch up with the new reality we have planted and watered with our attention and focus.

It is true that sometimes we need to change our environment in order to grow. But sometimes, we need to grow in order to be able to change our environment.

The fastest path from here to where we’d like to be, is to accept reality as it is, in its entirety- but to place our attention on where we wish to live, in our hearts, bodies, and on our earthly domain.





Here’s another inspired writing…


Be willing to see it and feel it bursting out of you.

Fall into it as you would a refreshing pool on a hot summer day.

Joy will catch you, just as the water in the pool, and is waiting to fill you with its magic.  You will feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Be willing to allow yourself to experience joy.

Ecstatic joy with no holding back.

Exuberant, overwhelming joy, in its purest and deepest form.

Allow it to catch you as you fall back into its splendor- and know yourself as worthy of the abundant excitement you will feel as it soaks into your entire being- mind, body, and spirit.

Know and allow joy- As much as you have known and allowed yourself to feel and re-feel the effects of pain, loss, grief, abuse, and regret.

Let joy be the elixir that washes your soul clean of those past hurts.

Renewal is at hand.

If you only decide to allow joy.

How to Get “In the Flow” of Your Life

How to Get “In the Flow” of Your Life

You can quickly and easily get into the flow of your life by stopping for a minute to remember that everything you need, you already have inside of you.  You are a part of the infinite, and not separate.  Therefore, everything that is infinitely possible (not just logically or physically calculated to be possible), is possible through you. You just may need to take a few more steps, have a few more experiences, meet a few new people, or open a few new doors.  Your mind, body, and soul are always connected to the divine.  All you need to do is to remember that, truly believe it- and open to the flow.